SIMB Chapter 277: Changing the Game
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TL: FoodieMonster007 If you see this, you are at the wrong site!
By the time the delinquents finally finished debating their plan to turn the tables and change the game, several hours had slipped by.
Yeo Min smiled in satisfaction. "Perfect. Let's go over the plan one last time. With this, we'll be able to get our revenge on those damned hyenas."
The four students split the roles among themselves, each taking on the task that best suited their skills.
"Since time is short, let's get started immediately," Hyonwon Kang said.
Everyone nodded in agreement, their sparkling eyes and broad grins revealing just how much they were enjoying themselves.
"We'll meet back here tonight."
"If this place becomes compromised, head to the second safe house."
"Emergency contact will be via furball."
"Remember, only death awaits traitors."
The four exchanged solemn glances, then sped off in different directions.
When the larder was empty once again, Baek Suryong emerged from the shadows.
"…Are these damn punks planning to turn the entire academy upside down?" he grumbled. He had secretly eavesdropped on the students' scheme and knew that if they succeeded, the school would become even more chaotic.
Should I intervene? Even I think this is too extreme… Nah, I'll just wait and see for now.
The envy and harassment aimed at his five White Dragon Manor students had grown excessive. His interference would only leave both sides feeling dissatisfied, like crudely stitching up a wound only for it to burst open again later.
There was only one viable long-term solution.
Baek Suryong stared blankly in the directions where his students had vanished. "If you guys want others to acknowledge you, then you're just going to have to prove yourselves to them."
Deep down, he also wanted to watch until the end to see if his students could really turn things around. After all, the enemies targeting them—especially Tang Soso, Dokgo Jun, and Bang Baekhyun—were no pushovers.
"No matter what the outcome, it'll be fun to watch," he chuckled softly. It would be rewarding to see how well the students applied what they had learned in class.
"…And someone please stop Tang Soso," he added quietly as he slipped back into the shadows.
The heartfelt plea echoed through the empty warehouse.
In a cramped, dark room, a single dim lantern lit up two figures seated across from each other.
"So, you want me to forge that person's handwriting?"
Hyonwon Kang nodded. The man he was meeting was the former leader of Nanchang's back alley thugs.
"With your connections, Cheoldu-hyung, this shouldn't be too difficult, right?" he asked.
"That's true, but…" Cheoldu, the Sect Leader of the Rehabilitation Sect, examined the documents Hyonwon Kang had brought and regarded him seriously.
Hyonwon Kang flinched. Man, his face is really scary.
He didn't exactly have a pretty face himself, but compared to Cheoldu, who was covered in scars from head to toe, he felt that he looked far less intimidating.
Cheoldu raised an eyebrow. "This won't cause any problems later, will it?"
"Not at all. We're not forging classified documents, just copying a certain person's handwriting to make a few posters. There won't be any legal issues."
"What are you planning to write on those posters?"
"This." Hyonwon Kang took a sheet of paper from his pocket and handed it to Cheoldu.
After reading the contents on the paper, Cheoldu nodded and laughed, "Interesting. Fine, I'll get you what you need within an hour."
"How much?" Hyonwon Kang asked, pulling out his wallet. He had no intention of making Cheoldu work for free just because they were on good terms. Besides, to maintain a friendship, it was important not to owe each other anything, especially money.
However, Cheoldu shook his head. "You don't need to pay me."
"If any news of us helping you gets out and causes trouble, my men will pay you a little visit," Cheoldu warned, licking the blade of his hatchet and grinning wickedly.
Hyonwon Kang winced. "…Aren't you an orthodox sect leader right now, Hyung-nim?"
"Hehe, I just said that for the fun of it. After all, it's been a while since we've received such an interesting commission."
Cheoldu called his underling and passed on the instructions along with the paper Hyonwon Kang had given him. There was no need for a long explanation since the Rehabilitation Sect already knew what was going on at the Azure Dragon Academy.
"Will this even help with your situation? It doesn't seem much different from before."
Hyonwon Kang smirked. "This is just the beginning. Trust me, we're going to turn the entire school upside down and inside out before you know it."
This kid's face is really scary! Cheoldu thought, feeling a shiver run down his spine. For a moment, even he, a seasoned thug, was taken aback by the sheer malice in Hyonwon Kang's grin.
"Oh, I nearly forgot," Hyonwon Kang added. "Is there anyone around here who can make scented pouches?"
"Scented pouches? Wait…" Cheoldu's eyes widened as he pictured the chaos about to unfold at the Azure Dragon Academy. "What the fuck? You guys must be the worst scammers of the century!"
The next day at dawn, new posters were plastered all around the Azure Dragon Academy, right next to the earlier posters. Since it was written in Baek Suryong's handwriting, no one doubted its authenticity.
Defense Against the Unorthodox Arts Final Exam: Rule Change Notice
Any student in possession of a scented pouch must hang it visibly around their waist.
You must also not remain in one location for more than one hour.
If you are caught breaking these rules, you will fail or be disqualified from external participation in the exam.
- Baek Suryong
Dokgo Jun sighed. "This is a problem. To think we have to hang these scented pouches on our waists…"
He and Tang Soso were the most troubled by the new announcement. Up to this point, they had secured a total of eight scented pouches and mission slips between them, keeping the truth tightly under wraps so that almost no one outside knew about it.
Under the new rules, however, they could no longer hide the scented pouches.
If we go outside with these things dangling on our waists, even the students chasing the Five Young Azure Dragons will change their targets to us instead.
Dokgo Jun asked, "Vice President, is there any way out of this?"
Tang Soso frowned. "…Right now, there's no other option. We'll have to wear two each. The second rule change is problematic as well. If we cannot stay in one place for more than one hour, we'll be forced to go outside."
She handed two scented pouches to each of Bang Baekhyun and Yoo Yiran.
Bang Baekhyun tilted his head in confusion. "Is it really okay to suddenly change the exam rules like this? Something feels off."
Tang Soso shook her head. "I'm not sure… Mr. Baek Suryong's personality is quite unpredictable, after all…"
Even though she had faith in Baek Suryong, she never let this kind of thing cloud her judgment. The problem was… this kind of seemingly random deed was typical of the whimsical Baek Suryong.
"I see…" Bang Baekhyun mumbled, but he still stared at the announcement with a doubtful expression.
Dokgo Jun chimed in, "Anyway, today is the last day of the exam, so we have no choice but to guard the scented pouches until sunset while carrying out our secret missions."
Despite the rule change, he remained positive. After all, under the new mandate, the White Dragon Manor students would also have to display their pouches openly.
It's time for a direct confrontation.
"Let's go, everyone," Dokgo Jun commanded, leading his three helpers out of the Student Council building.
As expected, they almost immediately became the center of attention.
"What the hell? They each have two scented pouches."
"Does one person really need to have two?"
"They're so greedy. They should just keep one and give the rest up…"
Feeling the hostile stares of the surrounding students, Dokgo Jun and his group braced themselves for a fight.
"Senior Baekhyun, how many scented pouches must we give up for them to back off?" Dokgo Jun asked.
Bang Baekhyun laughed and drew his sword, his normally gentle expression now replaced by firm determination. "Dokgo, are you really that naive? If we surrender even one, they'll underestimate us and go all out until they've taken everything from us."
"…It appears we have no choice but to fight."
"I'm already in my fourth year! Why must I go through this?" Bang Baekhyun whined teasingly.
Dozens of students pounced on the Student Council team like a pack of starving wolves.
"Break through them!" Dokgo Jun shouted.
Bang Baekhyun and Yoo Yiran immediately moved to cover Dokgo Jun's flanks, while Tang Soso guarded his back. The four of them were the top fighters of the Azure Dragon Academy. No matter how many foes there were, ordinary students could not withstand even one of their swift strikes.
If I go all out, we can escape in no time! Dokgo Jun thought.
His confidence was well-founded. However, this was the murim, where one learned to expect the unexpected.
A sharp sword slash emerged from a blind spot. Startled, Dokgo Jun barely managed to dodge the ambush.
An expert!
He immediately tightened his grip on his sword while preparing for the enemy's next strike, but the swordsman disappeared into the crowd without hesitation.
"Watch out! There's someone tough out there!" Bang Baekhyun shouted.
Unfortunately, the assassin remained hidden in the crowd and struck only at vital points opportunistically amid the chaos.
"It's not just one. There are at least two!"
Distracted by the masters hidden in the crowd, Dokgo Jun and his group failed to break through the encirclement and ended up trapped.
To make matters worse, the number of people chasing the scented pouches grew over time, as if someone had spread a rumor to attract bored flies.
"Over there! I saw someone with a scented pouch!"
"Dokgo Jun has several pouches!"
"Give it to me!"
Before long, the scuffle escalated into a massive brawl involving over a hundred people.
Dokgo Jun and friends were flabbergasted. After swinging their swords frantically to fend off the attacks coming from every direction, they were completely spent.
In the end, even Dokgo Jun's patience wore thin.
"Arrgh! You goddamn motherfuckers!!" he cussed in a rare burst of profanity.
Regrettably, he never suspected that the new poster could be a fake.
While a massive brawl raged outside, a ferocious beast stealthily infiltrated the basement of the Student Council building, heading for the most secure area. Although its footsteps were completely silent, deceiving martial artists with exceptional senses and instincts was no easy feat.
"Huh? Is that a cat?"
"When did it come in?"
Two students guarding the door spotted the Silver Tiger cub.
"Meow…" the beast purred sweetly. It had no choice but to use its last resort. It did not enjoy acting this way, but humans seemed to love it.
The Silver Tiger dramatically splooted in front of the humans and began acting cute, begging for a belly rub. "Meow?"
As expected, its deadly cuteness left the students dumbfounded.
"Oh my god, so cute…"
Enchanted by the tiny, snow-white Silver Tiger, the two students squatted before it and eagerly began to scratch its belly. The soft, velvety feel made their previously stern expressions melt into happy bliss.
"Aww! Aww!"
They were so mesmerized by the Silver Tiger that they did not notice another beast approaching from behind.
"This is the room used for seclusion training, right?"
The two student guards tried to shout, but it was too late. Ya Suhyeok grabbed their heads with his huge hands and slammed them together.
The two students passed out, concussed.
"I was sure I asked that question politely? Why did they shout and cause a commotion?" Ya Suhyeok complained as he skillfully rifled through the students' pockets to find their keys.
"Well done, furball," he said, giving the Silver Tiger a treat.
"Meeeow!" The Silver Tiger munched on the jerky Ya Suhyeok had given as a reward. After finishing its meal, it hopped up and landed on Ya Suhyeok's shoulder.
Ya Suhyeok then flung open the heavy door of the seclusion training room. "Senior! I've come to rescue you!" he yelled.
"…Suhyeok? Is that really you?" Geo Sangwoong asked weakly.
Finally, after three days without sunlight, he slowly emerged from the darkness.
Ya Suhyeok greeted, "You must have had a rough time… WHO ARE YOU?"
Startled, Ya Suhyeok stepped back.
Is this hairless creature really Senior Geo Sangwoong? He looks like a completely different person!
Translator's Note: That's all for this week!
If you see this, you are at the wrong site!